STUDIO rené alba glocal solutions for career & hr staffing projects in lifestyle industry MILANO WORK CLINIC                                                                                                           back The work clinic is a method useful to resolve dysfunctional patterns that cause discomfort to  person in work situations with a care aim. It’s a response for persons which wish a clinical consultancy that offers a thinking and learning  space about personal dynamics on the job. It represents a solution for many discomforts that people live in work enviroments and it is useful  to recross own experience with new projects.  It is structured in set of 3+3 weekly meetings of 60min. for each.  (Image from short movie “A Therapy”   by Roman Polansky)  TRAINING IN GROUP   They are training meetings in group enviroment requested from companies that wish to create a  cultural changes and to resolve conflictual situations in work groups, team (like in-store team),  departments. It’s defined a changing aim and together at all group members is developed an analysis of  fantasies, thinks, ideas, behaviors, relations in “hic et nunc” of meeting, with the aim to demobilize  energy and to create modifications od mental and relational balances.                                                                        The training in group is organized in session of 3+3 meetings renewable.